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王性驊 c89aa9f14c feature/rename_package (#1)
Reviewed-on: #1
2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
build feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
etc feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
generate/protobuf feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
internal feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
pkg feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
.gitignore feat: init project 2024-12-30 11:58:14 +08:00
.golangci.yaml feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
Makefile feat: init project 2024-12-30 11:58:14 +08:00
docker-compose.yml feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
go.mod feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
member.go feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00
readme.md feature/rename_package (#1) 2025-02-08 02:23:54 +00:00


Member Service: User Account Management System

The Member Service is a comprehensive user account management system designed to handle user authentication, account creation, and profile management. This service provides a robust backend for applications requiring user management functionality, supporting various authentication methods and integrating with external services.

The system is built using a microservices architecture, leveraging technologies such as MongoDB for data storage, Redis for caching, and Etcd for distributed configuration. It offers a wide range of features including user registration, account binding, profile management, and support for third-party authentication providers like Google and LINE.

Key features of the Member Service include:

  • User account creation and management
  • Multiple authentication methods (email, phone, Google, LINE)
  • Account binding for different platforms
  • User profile management
  • Refresh token generation and verification
  • Scalable architecture using microservices
  • Integration with MongoDB, Redis, and Etcd
  • Docker support for easy deployment and scaling

Repository Structure

├── docker-compose.yml
├── etc/
│   ├── member.example.yaml
│   └── member.yaml
├── internal/
│   ├── config/
│   ├── logic/account/
│   ├── server/account/
│   └── svc/
├── member.go
├── pkg/
│   ├── domain/
│   ├── mock/
│   ├── repository/
│   └── usecase/
└── readme.md

Key Files and Directories:

  • docker-compose.yml: Defines the multi-container Docker environment
  • etc/member.yaml: Configuration file for the Member Service
  • internal/: Contains internal application code
    • logic/account/: Business logic for account-related operations
    • server/account/: gRPC server implementation for account service
  • pkg/: Reusable package code
    • domain/: Domain models and interfaces
    • repository/: Data access layer implementations
    • usecase/: Use case implementations
  • member.go: Main entry point for the Member Service

Usage Instructions


  • Go 1.16 or later
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • MongoDB 8.0
  • Etcd 3.5.5
  • Redis 7.0


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_directory>
  2. Start the required services using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Copy the example configuration file and modify it as needed:

    cp etc/member.example.yaml etc/member.yaml
  4. Build and run the Member Service:

    go build


The etc/member.yaml file contains the main configuration for the Member Service. Key configuration options include:

  • ListenOn: The address and port the service listens on
  • Etcd: Configuration for Etcd connection
  • Cache: Redis cache configuration
  • Mongo: MongoDB connection details
  • Bcrypt: Password hashing cost
  • GoogleAuth: Google authentication settings
  • LineAuth: LINE authentication settings

Ensure all configuration values are set correctly before starting the service.

Common Use Cases

  1. Creating a new user account:

    resp, err := accountService.CreateUserAccount(ctx, &account.CreateUserAccountReq{
        Email: "user@example.com",
        Password: "securepassword",
  2. Authenticating a user:

    resp, err := accountService.VerifyPlatformAuthResult(ctx, &account.VerifyPlatformAuthResultReq{
        Platform: member.Platform_EMAIL,
        Email: "user@example.com",
        Password: "securepassword",
  3. Updating user information:

    resp, err := accountService.UpdateUserInfo(ctx, &account.UpdateUserInfoReq{
        Uid: "user123",
        Nickname: "New Nickname",

Testing & Quality

To run the test suite:

go test ./...


  1. Connection issues with MongoDB:

    • Ensure MongoDB is running and accessible
    • Check the MongoDB connection string in etc/member.yaml
    • Verify network connectivity between the service and MongoDB
  2. Authentication failures:

    • Double-check the configuration for Google and LINE authentication in etc/member.yaml
    • Ensure the correct client IDs and secrets are set
  3. Performance issues:

    • Monitor Redis cache usage and adjust cache settings if necessary
    • Check MongoDB query performance and add indexes if needed
    • Use Go's pprof tool to profile the application:
      go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile

Data Flow

The Member Service follows a typical request-response flow:

  1. Client sends a request to the gRPC server
  2. Server routes the request to the appropriate logic handler
  3. Logic handler processes the request, interacting with repositories as needed
  4. Repositories interact with the database (MongoDB) or cache (Redis)
  5. Results are returned through the logic handler back to the client
Client -> gRPC Server -> Logic Handler -> Repository -> Database/Cache
   ^                                                         |
   |                                                         |

Important technical considerations:

  • Use of caching to improve performance for frequently accessed data
  • Proper error handling and logging throughout the flow
  • Secure handling of sensitive information (e.g., passwords, tokens)


The Member Service can be deployed using Docker containers. The docker-compose.yml file provides a template for deploying the service along with its dependencies (MongoDB, Etcd, and Redis).

To deploy:

  1. Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on the target system

  2. Modify the docker-compose.yml file if necessary (e.g., to change ports or add volumes)

  3. Run the following command in the project root:

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Monitor the logs to ensure all services start correctly:

    docker-compose logs -f

For production deployments, consider using orchestration tools like Kubernetes for better scalability and management.


The Member Service relies on the following infrastructure components:

  • MongoDB (mongo):

    • Image: mongo:8.0
    • Purpose: Primary data storage for user accounts and related information
    • Configuration:
      • Root username and password set via environment variables
  • Etcd (etcd):

    • Image: quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.5.5
    • Purpose: Distributed key-value store for service discovery and configuration
    • Configuration:
      • Listens on port 2379 for client connections
      • Data directory set to /etcd-data
  • Redis (redis):

    • Image: redis:7.0
    • Purpose: Caching layer for improved performance
    • Configuration:
      • Default configuration with no password

These infrastructure components are defined in the docker-compose.yml file, allowing for easy local development and testing. For production deployments, these services should be properly secured and scaled according to the application's needs.