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syntax = "proto3";
package member;
option go_package="./member";
// OKResp
message OKResp {}
// NoneReq
message NoneReq {}
// ================ enum ================
enum AlarmType {
ALARM_NONE = 0; // 初始(異常)
ALARM_NOT = 1; // 未告警
ALARM_SYSTEM = 2; // 系統告警中
enum MemberStatus {
STATUS_NONE = 0; // 初始(異常)
STATUS_VERIFY = 1; // 尚未驗證
STATUS_COMPLETE = 2; // 帳號啟用中
STATUS_DISABLE = 3; // 帳號停權中
// ================ enum ================
// ================ common ================
message Pager {
int64 total =1;
int64 size=2;
int64 index=3;
// ================ common ================
// ================ account ================
message CreateLoginUserReq {
string login_id = 1;
int64 platform = 2;
string token = 3;
message BindingUserReq {
string uid = 1;
string login_id = 2;
int64 type = 3;
message BindingUserResp {
string uid = 1;
string login_id = 2;
int64 type = 3;
message CreateUserInfoReq {
string uid = 1;
AlarmType alarm_type = 2;
MemberStatus status = 3;
string language = 4;
string currency = 5;
optional string avatar= 6;
optional string nick_name = 7;
optional string full_name = 8;
optional int64 gender = 9;
optional int64 birthdate = 10;
optional string phone_number = 11;
optional string email = 12;
optional string address = 13;
message GetAccountInfoResp {
CreateLoginUserReq data = 1;
// UpdateUserInfoReq 不處理邏輯給不給改,這裡只關新增修改刪除
message UpdateUserInfoReq {
string uid = 1;
optional string language = 2;
optional string currency = 3;
optional string nick_name = 4;
optional string avatar = 5;
optional AlarmType alarm_type = 6;
optional MemberStatus status = 7;
optional string full_name = 8;
optional int64 gender = 9;
optional int64 birthdate = 10;
optional string address = 11;
message GetUIDByAccountReq {
string account = 1;
message GetUIDByAccountResp {
string uid = 1;
string account =2;
message UpdateTokenReq {
string account = 1;
string token = 2;
int64 platform=3;
message GenerateRefreshCodeReq {
string account = 1;
int32 code_type =2;
message VerifyCode {
string verify_code = 1;
message GenerateRefreshCodeResp {
VerifyCode data = 1;
message VerifyRefreshCodeReq {
string account = 1;
int32 code_type =2;
string verify_code = 3;
message UpdateStatusReq {
string uid = 1;
MemberStatus status = 2;
message GetUserInfoReq {
string uid = 1;
optional string nick_name =2;
message UserInfo {
string uid = 1;
optional string avatar_url = 2;
optional string full_name = 3;
optional string nick_name = 4;
optional int64 gender_code = 5;
optional int64 birthday = 6;
optional string phone =7;
optional string email=8;
optional string address=9;
AlarmType alarm_type = 10;
MemberStatus status = 11;
string language = 12;
string currency = 13;
int64 create_time=14;
int64 update_time=15;
message GetUserInfoResp {
UserInfo data = 1;
message ListUserInfoReq {
optional AlarmType alarm_type = 1;
optional MemberStatus status = 2;
optional int64 create_start_time = 3;
optional int64 create_end_time = 4;
int64 page_size =5;
int64 page_index=6;
message ListUserInfoResp {
repeated UserInfo data = 1;
Pager page =2;
message VerifyAuthResultReq {
string token = 1;
optional string account = 2;
message VerifyAuthResultResp {
bool status = 1;
message VerifyGoogleAuthResultResp {
bool status = 1;
optional string iss =2; // 發行者 (issuer) 通常為 ""
optional string sub =3; // 使用者唯一 ID
optional string aud =4; // Audience應該與你的 Client ID 匹配
optional string exp =5; // 過期時間 (UNIX timestamp)
optional string iat =6; // 發行時間 (UNIX timestamp)
optional string email =7; // 使用者的電子郵件
optional string email_verified =8; // 郵件是否已驗證
optional string name =9; // 使用者的名稱
optional string picture =10; // 使用者的頭像 URL
message TwitterAccessTokenResp {
string token = 1;
message BindVerifyEmailReq {
string uid = 1;
string email = 2;
message BindVerifyPhoneReq {
string uid = 1;
string phone = 2;
message LineAccessTokenResp {
string token = 1;
message LineUserProfile {
string display_name = 1;
string user_id = 2;
string picture_url = 3;
string status_message = 4;
message LineGetTokenReq {
string code = 1;
message LineGetUserInfoReq {
string token = 1;
service Account {
// CreateUserAccount 建立帳號與密碼 -> 可登入,但可不可以做其他事情看業務流程,也可以只註冊就好
rpc CreateUserAccount(CreateLoginUserReq) returns(OKResp);
// GetUserAccountInfo 取得帳號密碼資料
rpc GetUserAccountInfo(GetUIDByAccountReq) returns(GetAccountInfoResp);
// UpdateUserToken 更新密碼
rpc UpdateUserToken(UpdateTokenReq) returns(OKResp);
// GetUIDByAccount 用帳號換取 UID
rpc GetUIDByAccount(GetUIDByAccountReq) returns(GetUIDByAccountResp);
// BindAccount 綁定帳號 -> account bind to UID
rpc BindAccount(BindingUserReq) returns(BindingUserResp);
// BindUserInfo 初次,綁定 User Info
rpc BindUserInfo(CreateUserInfoReq) returns(OKResp);
// BindVerifyEmail 綁定 Email
rpc BindVerifyEmail(BindVerifyEmailReq) returns (OKResp);
// BindVerifyPhone 綁定 Phone
rpc BindVerifyPhone(BindVerifyPhoneReq) returns (OKResp);
// UpdateUserInfo 更新 User Info
rpc UpdateUserInfo(UpdateUserInfoReq) returns(OKResp);
// UpdateStatus 修改狀態
rpc UpdateStatus(UpdateStatusReq) returns(OKResp);
// GetUserInfo 取得會員資訊
rpc GetUserInfo(GetUserInfoReq) returns(GetUserInfoResp);
// ListMember 取得會員列表
rpc ListMember(ListUserInfoReq) returns(ListUserInfoResp);
// GenerateRefreshCode 這個帳號驗證碼(十分鐘),通用的
rpc GenerateRefreshCode(GenerateRefreshCodeReq) returns(GenerateRefreshCodeResp);
// VerifyRefreshCode 驗證忘記密碼 token
rpc VerifyRefreshCode(VerifyRefreshCodeReq) returns(OKResp);
// CheckRefreshCode 驗證忘記密碼 token 不刪除,只確認)
rpc CheckRefreshCode(VerifyRefreshCodeReq) returns(OKResp);
// VerifyGoogleAuthResult 驗證 google 登入是否有效
rpc VerifyGoogleAuthResult(VerifyAuthResultReq)returns(VerifyGoogleAuthResultResp);
// VerifyPlatformAuthResult 驗證 google 登入是否有效
rpc VerifyPlatformAuthResult(VerifyAuthResultReq)returns(VerifyAuthResultResp);
// LineCodeToAccessToken Line 驗證相關
rpc LineCodeToAccessToken(LineGetTokenReq) returns (LineAccessTokenResp);
// LineGetProfileByAccessToken Line 驗證相關
rpc LineGetProfileByAccessToken(LineGetUserInfoReq) returns (LineUserProfile);
// ================ account ================